Welcome to the Kitchen of LindySez...
Like music, I think of food as a group of notes (ingredients) that need to be put together to make a great symphony. Put together correctly, your mouth sings, put together poorly, and well, there is always pizza.
I'm Lindy the conductor of good food, and great recipes, all written with easy-to-follow instructions.
I like to say, "Life is too short to eat mediocre food". And I find too much food out there is mediocre.
I don't think good food needs to be fussy, or difficult to prepare.
We have busy lives, and many have not had the luxury of being raised in the kitchen with a clear understanding of food and how it all works together. My goal is to demystify cooking. I take everything to its simplest point, to make cooking user-friendly.
No guesswork is needed.
A tablespoon is a tablespoon, not a T, or TBL and a teaspoon is a teaspoon.
When needed, I'll give you measurements you can measure; then hopefully, as time goes on, you will be ready to try eyeballing your ingredients, trying new and different flavors together creating your own symphony.
As a recipe developer, that’s what I’ve done for years…and I'll try to always keep the ingredients to ones that you can easily find.
Most of my recipes are fresh, quick, easy, and tasty while keeping both calories and fats in check.
While I am not gluten-free, dairy-free, vegetarian, Paleo, or Keto many of my recipes are. I hope to share both a healthy well-balanced diet and my cooking experience with you.
I started cooking at about age nine. My mother taught me as her mother taught her. I have cookbooks galore; read many cooking magazines and was weaned on Julia Child and Graham Kerr. I’ve also been lucky enough to have been in the company of some of the top chefs in this country (and others) and been able to talk the talk with them and learned a lot about food, food prep, and how passion translates into great food.
Clockwise from the upper left - Chef Bobby Flay, Chef Charles Phan, Chef Jaques Pepin, and Chef Cat Cora.
So please, join me and my family in the Kitchen of LindySez where I will take the hype and bull out of cooking and deliver to you an honest, easy-to-read, and follow, recipe that I think your family AND YOU will love.
Let's play some beautiful music!
Anne Verret-Speck
I found your site by searching for tagine recipes to use for an extra pork loin. You have preserved lemon as an ingredient in the pork tagine with sweet potatoes, but you don't say how much. Is it one whole preserved lemon for 4 servings? I'm doubling the recipe, but using 2 whole preserved lemons seems like it might be way too much.
Linda Baker
Hi Anne, As it's added as a garnish it's usually "to taste". But I get the point, my husband hates the term "to taste" so I would say start with a whole preserved lemon, and use about 1/2 teaspoon of the pulp on each serving. Cheers ~ Lindy
Mark K
Greetings Lindy,
For the braised rabbit recipe, how long do you brown the rabbit? I don’t want over/under brown it naturally. I can’t wait to try this recipe!
So nice to meet you at Antiques on Second today. Looking forward to enjoying your blog. Stacie Lawton. #furniturecantalk
Nice to meet you as well, and get a few nice props for those all important photos. Hope to be by again soon. Cheers ~ Lindy